Monday, September 26, 2016

Tibaio Fish Spa and Lambaklad Fishing

You Get the Fish and the Fish will Eat your Feet!
Photo taken from Google
Dipping your feet on foot-high water and hang it nibbled by three-inch fishes is a one-time experience you can have many times after experiencing it on Tibiao Fish Spa in Antique Province.
Screeches and tinkling sensation of voices and laughter you will heard from the spa would really make you think twice and curiosity will indeed kill you before dipping your feet down for fishes to feast on. The dead skin off your feet seemed the perfect fiesta dish for them.
Photo taken from Google
It is a bit ticklish at first as they say since I don't try it yet but once you get the hang of it, it is actually quite relaxing. And yes, you get to feed those cute little fishes too. Tit for tat!
Directly across the street, entrance you to the beach for Lambaklad fishing. Aboard from the two-layered balsa, a group of almost twenty people went for about 20 meters away from the shore can experience fishing to do in lambaklad-style.
Photo taken from Google
The term is derived from the words, lambat(net) and baklad(fish corral).The tradition is to leave your tsinelas(flip flopes) on the beach, wah your feet in the water, then board the giant bamboo raft. As the name suggest, there is a large corral and net under the water. The fishermen slowly pull the net in which brings the raft toward the fish, and pushes them into the net. The folks along this area in Antique have been using this technique for catching fishes. It is not an easy business at all! After hours of waiting after dispersing the net into the water, fishes crazily wriggled as the net was at last pulled in into the balsa.
Photo taken from Google
Photo taken from Google

Tibiao was known for being a playground for various migratory marine species. Some can catch huge tunas, sword fishes, scads, caranx, marling and even mantra rays and barracudas. Tibiao's lambaklad fishing is one of the town's main livelihood. It is also becoming one of the most sought after experiences when visiting Antique.

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